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LED Neon Signs

Our LED neon signs come in two types: 3D-engraved and tube-style. Our 3D-engraved signs are noted with the title "LED Neon Light Sign", while our tube-style signs are noted with the titles "flex silicone" or "ultra-bright". Our 3D engraved light signs come in 3 sizes from small to large, and our multi-color version of our single color signs (remote with 20 static colors, 19 dynamic modes, and more) comes in a 4th size that is even larger. Our flex silicone signs are all tube-style signs 16" in width and less, while our ultra-bright signs are all tube-style signs greater than 16" in width and up to 32". Our vast collection of over 3000+ signs make it easy to choose the right display for your home or business. Our LED signs are sorted into a variety of collections, but if you cannot find what you are looking for, or you know what you want, try performing a search! Get started today by purchasing one or more of our premium LED neon signs.