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Bamboo Furniture vs. Wood Furniture

Bamboo Furniture vs. Wood Furniture Comparison

Bamboo Furniture vs. Wood Furniture

If you are in the market for furniture, you may have come across the unique and upcoming, but still rare, bamboo furniture. Simply interested in the lowest price, you may have decided that you likely want to purchase wood furniture. But, this may be the wrong decision and bamboo furniture may actually be more cost effective in the long run, which we will explain soon.

This article aims to argue that bamboo furniture is almost always a better decision than wood furniture. If you already know you are interested in bamboo furniture, you can find a wonderful selection here.

Top 3 Reasons Why Bamboo Furniture is Better than Wood Furniture

1. Bamboo furniture looks better than wood furniture

Bamboo Nightstand

Bamboo Multifunction Nightstand/Cabinet, On Sale Here

Compare the above photograph of a bamboo nightstand with a wood nightstand in your bedroom. Which one is more appealing? Many people find that the bamboo counterpart wins in the attractiveness category.

2. Bamboo furniture is more durable than wood furniture

As we promised, we will now explain that bamboo furniture may be more cost effective than wood furniture because it is more durable. It is a fact that bamboo furniture is stronger than wood furniture and is harder to mark up, dent, and scratch. You may have to replace wood furniture more often than you'd think if you want it to be in tip top shape, especially if you have children. You do not have to worry about this as much with bamboo furniture.

3. Bamboo furniture is eco-friendly, wood furniture is not

Bamboo has the ability to grow well without the use of pesticides or fertilizers and therefore, growing it does not contribute to these chemicals entering groundwater. Most importantly, Bamboo is biodegradable. We all are aware of the dilemma of shrinking tree forests and its impact on both the environment and the habitat of many animals. If you want an eco-friendly material, bamboo is definitely the option to go with.

Final Thoughts

There is not a single reason to purchase wood furniture over bamboo furniture, other than bamboo's slightly higher initial cost. And this is only in some cases and not all. If you can find bamboo furniture on sale, it it definitely the best option to go with. Bamboo furniture is better looking, more durable, and also more eco-friendly when compared with wood furniture. Last, bamboo furniture can also create a unique environment in your home that you simply cannot achieve with wood furniture.

Bamboo furniture at The Discount Mall

You can shop all of our bamboo furniture here.

We will continue to grow our collection of bamboo furniture significantly in the future. We sell bamboo nightstands and cabinets, coffee tables, garment racks, coat hangers, shoe racks, and more. Happy hunting!

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