Handmade Personalized Gifts vs Machine Made Personalized Gifts
Handmade Personalized Gifts vs Machine Made Personalized Gifts
If you are searching for one of the best types of gifts one can give, look no further than personalized gifts. Engraved and embroidered gifts area a great choice because they can work for anyone on your list and include a name, word, or phrase to give a unique and memorable touch. There are generally two ways personalized gifts are made and those include handmade and machine made. In this article, we will explore these two types of styles and determine which one may be better than the other.
Machine Made Personalized Gifts are Generally More Precise
If you are worried about an engraver or embroiderer that may be new to the market and may not have many reviews, one thing you may want to be concerned about is the personalization having flaws. Inexperienced engravers can and do mess up, which may cause you to have to contact the company, have a replacement sent, and end up gifting the item later than the occasion it was meant for. Machine engraving and embroidering is typically more accurate with less errors. However, they are not 100% perfect and an error that could occur is personalization that is slanted in the wrong direction and not exactly straight due to human error because the item was placed incorrectly under or in the machine. However, if you are mainly concern about accuracy, a machine made personalized gift may be the correct choice.
Handmade Personalized Gifts Support Skilled Craftsman
If you are one that likes to support a person that is skilled at their craft, you may want to go with a handmade personalized gift. However, some misconceptions out there about personalized gifts is that handmade personalized gifts support small businesses and machine made personalized gifts do not. As a matter of fact, there are tons of small businesses out there that utilize machines due to the reason we gave above and because of the next reason on our list. Yet, it is our belief that those skilled in the craft of handmade personalization deserve to be rewarded as well.
Machine Made Personalized Gifts Cut Down on Time
If a personalized gift company has any vision on scaling their company large, they are bound to switch to machine made gifts. This is because machine made gifts cut down significantly on time. An engraver that hand personalizes gifts will have to hire more people to meet increased demand which will lower their profits greatly compared to investing in machines. That is why all of the large personalized gifts companies out there are using machines to personalize the majority of the products or are outsourcing this task somewhere else, which delays turnaround time.
Machine Made Gifts are Not 100% Machine Made
Machine made gifts are not 100% machine-made and still take skilled craftsman to work with the machines to produce the end result. The item must still be placed in the perfect position, and some machines require humans to maneuver the item as it is being engraved. This is because the majority of personalized gift companies have to personalize a large variety of products. They cannot purchase a custom machine for each product they have, so the machines are meant for a wide range of products, thus requiring significant human touch.
The Decision to Buy Machine Made vs Handmade Personalized Gifts
In this article, we took a look at the comparison between machine made and handmade personalized gifts. The main reasons people buy machine made personalized gifts is because of their increased preciseness, improved turnaround times, and because most of the large personalized gifts companies out there use machines. The main reason people buy handmade personalized gifts is because they like to support skilled craftsman. Thus, it is really a choice that is up to each particular person as to the pros and cons of each choice.
Handmade and Machine Made Personalized Gifts at Way Up Gifts
Way Up Gifts has a large collection of unique personalized gifts that are both handmade and machine made, depending on the product. We work with a relatively small business (in the grande scheme of things) to provide the gifts at the lowest prices. Often times, we run sales on these gifts to offer them at the lowest prices possibly available as determined by our personalized gift company partner. Happy hunting, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
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